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Extended Board

Extended Board CCC Erlangen-EMN

Member CCC Board ErlangenClinic/Institute/Independent department/focus
Prof. Dr. Matthias W. BeckmannDirector of the gynecological clinic
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Behrens Full Professor Chair of Experimental Medicine II (Molecular Tumor Research)
Prof. Dr. Carola BerkingDirector of the Department of Dermatology
Prof. Dr. Ingmar BlümckeDirector of the Neuropathological Institute
Prof. Dr. med. Christian BogdanHead of the Microbiology
Prof. Dr. Anja BosserhoffHead of the Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Prof. Dr. Thomas BrabletzHead of the Chair of Experimental Medicine I
Prof. Dr. Michael BuchfelderDirector of the Neurosurgical Clinic 
Prof. Dr. Roman CarbonHead of the Pediatric Surgery Department in the Department of Surgery
Prof. Dr. Arnd DörflerHead of the Neuroradiological Department 
Prof. Dr. Frank DörjeHead of the Pharmacy
Prof. Dr. Hans DrexlerFull Professor of the Institute of Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine 
Prof. Dr. Yesim ErimHead of the Psychosomatic and Psychotherapeutic Department 
Prof. Dr. Peter Andreas FaschingHead of the focus tumor group of the CCC Erlangen-EMN: breast carcinoma
Prof. Dr. Rainer FietkauDirector of the Radiation Clinic
Prof. Dr. Dr. Susetta FinottoHead of the Molecular Pneumology Department  and the Lung Cancer Focus Tumor Group
Prof. Dr. Martin FrommFull Professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology
Prof. Dr. Olaf GefellerFull Professor of the Department of Biometry and Epidemiology 
Prof. Dr. Robert Grützmann, MBADirector of the Department of Surgery 
Prof. Dr. Holger HacksteinHead of the Department of Transfusion Medicine and Hemostaseology 
Prof. Dr. Florian HallerHead of the Diagnostic Molecular Pathology
Prof. Dr. Arndt Hartmann

Director of the Institute of Pathology

Prof. Dr. Raymund HorchDirector of the Plastic and Hand Surgery Clinic
Prof. Dr. Dr. Heinrich IroDirector of the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic - Head and Neck Surgery
Frau Karin JägerComm. Managing Director of the  Tumor Center Erlangen-Nuremberg
Prof. Dr. Dr. Marco R. KestingDirector of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic
Prof. Dr. Johannes KornhuberDirector of the Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic Clinic
Prof. Dr. Stefan KrauseHead of the Focus Tumor Group of the CCC Erlangen-EMN: Lymphomas and Leukemias
Prof. Dr. Friedrich E. KruseDirector of the Eye Clinic
Prof. Dr. Torsten KuwertDirector of the  Nuclear Medicine Clinic
Prof. Dr. Andreas MackensenDirector of the Medical Clinic 5 - Hematology and Internal Oncology 
Prof. Dr. Markus MetzlerDeputy Director, Senior Consultant, Head of Department Oncology and Hematology
Prof. Dr. Christoph OstgatheHead of the Palliative Medicine Department 
Prof. Dr. Marianne PavelHead of the focus Endocrinology and Diabetology Department
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ullrich ProkoschOrdinarius Chair of Medical Informatics / Medical Center for Information and Communication Technology in the Clinical Center 
Prof. Dr. André ReisDirector of the  Human Genetics Institute
Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen SchüttlerDirector of the Anesthesiology Clinic 
Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan SchwabDirector of the Neurological Clinic
Prof. Dr. Dr.  Horia SirbuHead of the Thoracic Surgery Department
Prof. Dr. Alexander SteinkassererHead of the Immunomodulatory Department
Prof. Dr. Michael StürzlDepartment of Molecular and Experimental Surgery (AMEC)
Prof. Dr. Klaus ÜberlaDirector of the Virological Institute - Clinical and Molecular Virology
Prof. Dr. Michael UderDirector of the Radiological Institute
Prof. Dr. Joachim WölfleDirector of the Pediatric and Adolescent Clinic
Prof. Dr. Bernd WullichDirector of the Urological Clinic   and Head of the Tumor Focus Group Renal Cell Carcinoma

Member CCC Board
Clinic / Institute / Center / Practice
PD Dr. Marc DauerChief Physician of the Clinic for Internal Medicine II
Prof. Dr. med. Volkher
Chief Physician of the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
Dr. med. Matthias HippChief Physician at the Clinic for Radiotherapy and Head of the Radiotherapy Practice at the Health Center
Dr. med. Harald HollnbergerAdministrative Head of the Oncology Center
Dr. med. Lothar MandlHead of the joint practice for pathology
Dr. med. Jochen PfirstingerSpecialist in internal medicine / haematology and internal oncology, additional training in palliative medicine
PD Dr. med. Thomas PapathemelisChief Physician at the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Head of the Gynaecological Cancer Center and the Breast Center
Dr. med. Wolfram SchiefChief Physician at the Clinic for General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery 
Dr. med. Ludwig Fischer v. WeikersthalClinical Director of the Oncology Center and Head of the Haematology and Internal Oncology Practice at the Health Centre 
Dr. med. Ralf WeiserChief Physician at the Clinic for Urology
Dr. med. Martin WeißHead of the Practice for Nuclear Medicine

Member CCC Board BambergClinic / Center / Institute / Practice
Prof. Dr. Rolf BusleiMedical Director of the Practice and Institute for Pathology, Neuropathology, Molecular Diagnostics and Cytology
Dr. Hans-Martin EnzingerChief physician of gynecology
PD Dr. med. Antje FahrigHead of the Clinic and Practice for Radiooncology and Radiotherapy
Dr. Stefan FriesOncology specialist practice
Prof. Dr. Felix GundlingChief physician for gastroenterology, gastroenterological oncology, hepatology, diabetology, metabolism, infectiology 
Dr. Rüdiger KutzJoint practice for nuclear medicine Bamberg
Dr. Rumo D. LeistnerChief Physician of the Medical Clinic IV Pneumology, Pneumological Oncology, Allergology and Sleep Medicine 
Prof. Dr. Markus LenhartChief Physician at the Clinic for Diagnostic Radiology, Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology
Prof. Dr. Georg A. PistoriusChief Physician at the Clinic for General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery
PD Dr. Seggewiß-BernhardtHead of Head of Haematology and Internal Oncology
Dr. Christof SchweizerSpecialist oncology practice
Prof. Dr. Gerhard SeitzDirector of the Institute of Pathology
PD Dr. Karl WeingärtnerChief Physician of the Clinic for Urology and Pediatric Urology

Member CCC Board BayreuthClinic / Institute
PD Dr. Frank Rainer AbelChief Physician of the Clinic for Orthopaedics
Prof. Dr. Matthias W. BeckmannChief Physician at the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics with Breast Center
Prof. Dr. Claus FischerChief Physician at the Clinic for Urology and Pediatric Urology
PD Dr. Stefan FörsterChief Physician at the Clinic and Institute for Nuclear Medicine
Dr. Sabine GernhardtChief Physician of the palliative care unit
Dr. Christian HoffmannChief Physician of the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
Prof. Dr. Ludwig KeilholzChief Physician at the Clinic for Radiotherapy
Prof. Dr. Alexander KianiChief Physician at the Clinic for Hematology and Oncology 
PD Dr. Thorsten KlinkChief Physician at the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
PD Dr. Steffen MühldorferChief Physician of the Medical Clinic I - Clinic for Gastroenterology
PD Dr. Michael MüllerChief Physician of the Surgical Clinic II - Clinic for Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery
Prof. Dr. Christoph MundhenkeChief Physician of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics
Prof. Dr. Patrick OschmannChief Physician at the Clinic for Neurology
Dr. Oliver PonselChief Physician at the Clinic for General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery
Prof. Dr. Jörg ReutershanChief Physician at the Clinic for Anesthesiology and Surgical Intensive Care Medicine
Prof. Dr. Thomas RupprechtChief Physician at the Clinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Dr. Claus SteppertChief Physician at the Clinic for Pneumology, Sleep and Respiratory Medicine
Prof. Dr. Michael StrotzerChief Physician and Director of the Institute of Radiology and Neuroradiology (Hohe Warte)
Prof. Dr. Christian StumpfChief Physician of the Medical Clinic II Cardiology, Angiology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine
Dr. Hans Axel TrostChief Physician of the Clinic for Neurosurgery
Prof. Dr. Michael ViethChief Physician of the Institute of Pathology
PD Dr. Gerhard WeyandtChief Physician of the Clinic for Dermatology and Allergology
PD Dr. Jochen WillnerChief Physician at the  Clinic for Radiotherapy

Member CCC Board FürthClinic / Institute
PD Dr. med. Thomas BayerChief Physician of General Radiology
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Blana

Chief Physician of Urology

Dr. med. Roland GuttenbergerChief Physician of Radiation Clinic
Prof. Dr. med. Volker HanfChief Physician, Head and Coordinator of the Breast Center
PD Dr. med. Katica Krajinovic, MBAChefärztin Operatives Zentrum für General Surgery
Prof. Dr. med. Philipp LechlerHead of Trauma Surgery and Orthopaedics
Prof. Dr. med. Christian Maihöfner, MHBAChief Physician of Neurology
PD Dr. med. Andreas H. MarxChief Physician of Pathology
Dr. med. Ulrike ProssSenior Physician and Head of the Colorectal Cancer Center
Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Raspé, MBA, D.E.S.A., E.D.I.C.Chief physician of anesthesia, intensive care and pain therapy
Dr. med. Manfred WagnerMedical director of the non-surgical areas
Dr. med. Joachim ZerbstSenior physician and section head of pneumology
Prof. Dr. med. Steffen Zopf, MHBAHead of Gastroenterology and Hemato-Oncology

Member CCC Board HofClinic / Institute / Practice / Center
Prof. Dr. med. Christian GraebChief Physician of General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery
Dr. med. Markus Kapp, Dipl. Biochem.Section Head of Hematology and Internal Oncology
Dr. med. Liane LogéChief physician of the gynecology clinic
Dr. med. Andreas Heer MBAHead of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectiology, Haematology and Internal Oncology
Dr. med. Abhishek PandeyChief Physician of Urology, Pediatric Urology, Urological Oncology and Palliative Medicine
Prof. Dr. med. Boris RadeleffChief Physician of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology


Member CCC Board NurembergClinic / Institute / Practice / Center
Dr. med. Clemens AlbrechtPractice for radiation oncology and radiotherapy at Nuremberg Hospital
Dr. med. Marinela AugustinMedical Director of the Sarcoma Center and Interdisciplinary Study Department
Prof. Dr. med. Cosima BruckerMedical Director of the Sarcoma Center and Interdisciplinary Study Department
Prof. Dr. med. Alexander DechêneMedical Director of the Clinic for Internal Medicine 6, specializing in gastroenterology and endocrinologygie
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Alexander EckertMedical Director of the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery
Prof. Dr. med. Frank ErbguthMedical Director of the Clinic for Neurology
Prof. Dr. med. Joachim FickerMedical Director of the Clinic for Internal Medicine 3, specializing in pneumology
Dr. med. Gerda Hofmann-WackersreutherMedical Director of the Palliative Care Department, Clinic for Internal Medicine 5
Prof. Dr. med. Stefan KnopMedical Director of the Clinic for Internal Medicine 5, specializing in oncology / haematology
Prof. Dr. med. Michael LellMedical Director of the Institute of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Dr. med. Wilhelm LeopoldMedical Director of the Outpatient Treatment Center - Oncology
Prof. Dr. med. Sascha PahernikMedical Director of the Clinic for Urology
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas PapadopoulosMedical Director of the Institute of Pathology
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bert ReichertMedical Director of the Clinic for Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery, Center for Severe Burn Injuries
Dr. med. Michael RottmannCoordinator of the Interdisciplinary Oncology Center
Dr. med. Kerstin Schäfer-EckartMedical Director of the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, Department of Internal Medicine 5
Prof. Dr. med. Erwin S. SchultzMedical Director of the Clinic for Dermatology
Prof. Dr. Hans-H. SteinerMedical Director of the Clinic for Neurosurgery
Prof. Dr. Maximilian TraxdorfMedical Director of the Clinic for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine
Prof. Dr. med. Christiane WallerMedical Director of the Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy