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Using patient-derived models for drug discovery and functional precision oncology in advanced breast cancer

Using patient-derived models for drug discovery and functional precision oncology in advanced breast cancer

TRR 305 seminar series

Alana Welm, PhD University of Utah Huntsman Cancer Institute

03. November 2023

14.00 - 15.00 Uhr

hybrid (on site in Regensburg)
Seminarroom of the Chair of Experimental Medicine
(H5, 1.OG, 2.13)
University Hospital Regensburg

Patient derived xenografts (PDX) are valuable, clinically-relevant models of cancer. Their close genomic, phenotypic, and temporal association with patient tumors makes them well-suited for pre-clinical and co-clinical studies that assess the potential of new therapeutics. However, PDX models are not amenable to large-scale drug sensitivity studies or real-time precision oncology due to their relatively slow growth, high cost, and low throughput. To address this, we established and characterized organoid lines from breast cancer patient tumors and PDXs and evaluated their fidelity to the original tumors and their utility in high-throughput therapeutic studies. Results of comparisons between in vitro and in vivo patient-derived models of breast cancer will be presented, along with extension of this technology to inform patient care in an IRB-approved study of precision oncology. Our work demonstrates that breast cancer organoid models are a powerful parallel resource to PDX models, especially useful for efficient determination of drug responses, and are amenable to informing real-time patient care in a functional precision oncology setting.

Zoom-Meeting-Link: https://uni-regensburg.zoom x.de/j/61126379502?pwd=UGh1MEhXMWdqL0lVdVhpeWUwQ3E5dz09

Meeting-ID: 611 2637 9502

Kenncode: 179208
